barber training

VIDEO: Interview with Terrell “Cassius” Simpson of Rollercoaster Waves

February 19, 2013

Terrell “Cassius” Simpson is a celebrity barber out of Atlanta, Georgia, and CEO and owner of hair product line Rollercoaster Waves. He discusses his barber training that got him to where he is today, what it took for him to build the celebrity relationships that helped launch his business, and how he transitioned from just […]

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Chicago Barber College Owner Sets Up Shop In County Jail

March 19, 2012
Thumbnail image for Chicago Barber College Owner Sets Up Shop In County Jail

Being incarcerated for a long period of time can be a soul-sapping and highly demoralizing experience, but the Cook County Jail in Chicago has recently implemented a barber college training program that is designed to help ex-cons hit the ground running and secure gainful employment upon their release from custody. A kindhearted man by the […]

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Barber Training Curriculum

March 8, 2012

Curious what you learn in barber school? We have outlined the barber training curriculum below to help you understand what you will learn in your barbering training. Find out what barbers do and so what to expect when you go to school. What classes will I take in barber school? Obviously, the classes you take […]

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